13th Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID Jeju 2024)

13th Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID Jeju 2024)


                                            Program details will be updated regularly, so stay tuned for the latest information! 

                                                     We appreciate your interest and look forward to your participation.

Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID) is a flagship knowledge-sharing event on Green Growth organized and funded by the World Bank Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF). Now in its 13th edition, KGID has a rich history of facilitating the exchange of practical examples and innovative approaches to achieving sustainable development. This esteemed event has been previously held in major international locations including Seoul, Washington DC, Dar es Salaam, and Cairo. This year, it will be hosted in Jeju, South Korea.

The theme for this year’s KGID, "Green Growth for a Livable Planet," focuses on showcasing progress in green growth and exploring avenues for expansion. This theme embraces the World Bank's recognition of the intertwined relationship between economic growth and environmental sustainability, highlighting the need for policy shifts that ensure a livable planet for future generations. The event will highlight project impacts, real-life examples, and creative solutions from development practitioners, offering insights into innovative policies and technologies while fostering networking through pre-arranged bilateral meetings.

Jeju is a leader in green growth initiatives, making it an ideal location for KGID 2024. The island aims to become a Carbon-Free Island by 2030, generating over half of its energy from renewable sources and having the highest electric vehicle penetration in South Korea. Jeju’s ambitious goals and achievements in renewable energy, sustainable transportation, and climate resilience exemplify its leadership in green growth, making it a fitting host for KGID 2024.


Dates: November 04 - 05, 2024 (November 03 for an optional pre-event) 

Venue: The Shilla Jeju, Jeju, South Korea

Participants: Around 300 participants, including over 20 World Bank project teams, global experts, and representatives from KGGTF grant beneficiary countries, green growth experts, and partner organizations in Korea and around the world.


1. Showcase ongoing and recently implemented green growth projects.

2. Exchange innovative and practical knowledge across various green growth sectors.

3. Build a global network of green growth practitioners.

4. Facilitate bilateral meetings for collaboration among stakeholders.

KGID Jeju 2024 Concept Note

 concept note cover                  

                                                                                PROGRAM AGENDA (Tentative)

Day 1: Plenary Sessions (Monday, November 04) 


Registration / Networking (coffee & cookies)


(40 min)

Session 1. Opening Ceremony

  •  (5’) Opening remarks, World Bank
  • (5’) Congratulatory remarks, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Korea
  • (15’) Jeju’s green growth journey, Oh Young-hun, the Governor of Jeju Province
  •  (10’) AI Innovations for a Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Future, Jong Sung Hwang, President of NIA (National Information Society Agency)


(30 min)

Session 2. Green Growth Talks: Pathways to Green Growth

  • Professor Jie-ae Sohn engages Richard Damania (Chief Economist of the SD Practice Group at the World Bank) and Kim Sang-Hyup (Co-Chairperson of Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of Korea) in an insightful and dynamic discussion on green growth and climate change. This session will explore innovative solutions, address challenges, examine the role of international cooperation in sustainable development, and highlight strategies for creating a livable planet by integrating economic growth with environmental sustainability.


(10 min)

Guerilla Interviews 1: Capturing Voices of Impact

  • On-the-spot interviews by a reporter will capture attendee contributions to green growth efforts along with a brief self-introduction. Broadcasted live within the venue, participants will receive token gifts post-interviews.


(15 min)

Session 3. Towards a Livable Planet: KGGTF's Path and Promise

  • Hyoung Gun Wang (KGGTF Program Manager, WB) will deliver a comprehensive presentation covering an overview of KGGTF's past achievements, the newly launched Phase 4 program, and its vision for a livable planet. The audience will gain insights into the evolution and impact of KGGTF's initiatives as well as its strategic direction for fostering sustainable development worldwide.


(15 min)

Coffee break and Networking


(70 min)

Session 4. Showcasing KGGTF Impacts: Collaborative Contributions to Zero Carbon

  • This session will feature presentations from World Bank staff, collaborating Korean institutions, and representatives from countries benefiting from World Bank projects through the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF). They will highlight how collaboration through the KGGTF has contributed to real-world projects and their impact on national green growth goals. Attendees will gain insights into tangible contributions and collaborative efforts fostering sustainability through the KGGTF.


 (75 min)

Lunch will be provided at the event venue


(75 min)

Session 5. Pioneering Innovations for Climate-Resilient Growth 

  • This session will highlight pioneering policies, technologies, and business models driving sustainable development in the context of green growth and climate resilience. Experts and practitioners will showcase innovative approaches and success stories aimed at addressing climate change challenges while fostering green growth and sustainable development. Attendees will explore groundbreaking initiatives and gain insights into how these innovative pathways are shaping a resilient and sustainable future.


(10 min)

Coffee break


    (70 min)

    Session 6. Sustainable Sparks: Igniting Carbon-Free Futures (Ignite talks style)

    • In this session, Task Team Leaders (TTLs) from the World Bank and representatives from Korean institutions collaborating with the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF) will deliver dynamic and concise Ignite Talks. Each of the 10 speakers will have approximately 5-7 minutes and a maximum of 3 slides to showcase their project and share insights into its impact and potential. Through these rapid-fire presentations, attendees will gain valuable perspectives on innovative green growth initiatives and their expected outcomes. (Additionally, a speaker from Jeju will provide unique insights into local sustainable practices and advancements.)


    (10 min)

    Session 7. Youth Leadership in Green Innovation (Ignite talks style)

    • This session showcases young leaders (4-5) shaping a sustainable tomorrow. Featuring KGGTF interns, international students, students from Jeju, and innovative entrepreneurs, it explores their role in zero-carbon technology and sustainable development for a livable planet.


    (60 min)

    Guerilla Interviews 2: Capturing Voices of Impact


    Cocktail Reception, Cultural event (TBC)


    Day 2: Technical Breakout Sessions & Site visits (Tuesday, November 05) 

    The breakout sessions listed below are tentative arrangements and subject to change based on the topics and sizes of the participating teams.


    Registration / Networking (coffee, tea, pastries)


      Room A 

    (Lotus Hall)

      Room B 

    (Halla Hall 1)  

      Room C 

    (Halla Hall 2)  

      Room D 

    (Halla Hall 3)


    (60 min)

    Session 1

    WB Korea Office Joint Session



    (60 min)

    Session 2


    Session 3


    Session 4

    (Urban, Digital)

    Session 5



    (60 min)



    Session 6


    Session 7


    Session 8



    (60 min)

    Lunch will be provided at the venue after the sessions


    Three different site visits by thematic groups

    (Please see ‘KGID Jeju 2024 Site visit options')


    TECHNICAL SITE VISITS (November 05, 1:30-5:00pm (half day)) 

    KGGTF, in collaboration with the Jeju Provincial Government, will organize visits to technical sites related to green growth in Jeju. Three groups, divided by sector, will visit approximately two of the candidate locations. Pre-registration is required for participation, and a demand survey will be conducted for this purpose separately. The tentative list of locations is available below, which can be changed and updated. Detailed information will be provided later.

    KGID Jeju 2024 Site Visit options

    Site visits


    BILATERAL MEETINGS             

    Bilateral meetings between interested parties (e.g., the WB team/WB client country and Green Growth Expert Organizations) will be arranged in advance and held in designated rooms throughout the two-day event. Separate instructions will be provided for these meetings and in cases where partnerships already exist, kindly inform the KGGTF team for coordination purposes. 

    For details, please consult the KGID Jeju 2024 Concept Note.


    sectors group


    Click here to learn more about past KGID events.      


                 This is an invitation only event. Please contact kggtf@worldbank.org if you are interested in attending.