Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID) 2023

Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID) 2023

KGID is the World Bank’s flagship knowledge-sharing event on Green Growth, funded by the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF). It promotes the exchange of innovative approaches for sustainable development, attracting global experts in green growth, climate change, and sustainability. KGID serves as a valuable platform for learning about cutting-edge solutions and fostering partnerships. 

KGID 2023 will be held in Cairo, Egypt from October 17 to 19, 2023 under the theme “Leveling Up Green Growth Impacts”.  It will follow the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings in Marrakech, Morocco, at which the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Korea, the donor of KGGTF, will announce the replenishment of the program and sign a new Administrative Agreement, marking KGID 2023 as the official launch of the new KGGTF program.


Partners bring valuable innovations, research, and green growth methods to the World Bank and client countries through the KGGTF. They engage with grant teams, providing real-world examples and collaborating on adapting expertise to local contexts for a greater impact. 

 Having an opportunity to meet first-hand and partner with world-class innovators in the green growth field is one of the key benefits of working with KGGTF.

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KGID is an opportunity to foster meaningful conversations that enrich everyone's understanding. The agenda is designed to encourage active engagement with fellow participants in these dynamic, interactive sessions.


  • Please complete Event Survey here

  • KGID 2023 Press Release here

Opening Ceremony (October 17th, 9:00-9:50am)

Leaders from Egypt, Korea, and the World Bank share their experiences, actions taken, lessons learned, and commitments to create a world free of poverty on a livable planet. 

  • Stephane Guimbert, Country Director for Egypt, Yemen and Djibouti, Middle East and North Africa, World Bank (Watch Video)
  • Sang Kyoo Lee, Director, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Korea (Watch Video)
  • H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, Arab Republic of Egypt (Watch pre-taped video remarks)
  • H.E. Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Ministry of Environment, Egypt (Watch Video)


Decade of Green Growth Impacts through KGGTF (October 17th, 9:50-10:25am)

Witness the incredible journey of the World Bank Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF) over 10 years, catalyzing green growth investments, funding groundbreaking ideas, influencing World Bank projects around the world and the future of green growth.

  • Hyoung Gun Wang, Program Manager, KGGTF, World Bank (Presentation) 
  • Susan Lim, Senior Transport Specialist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Menan Omar, Operations Officer, IFC (Presentation)

Green Growth in Action: The World Bank, Korea, and Egypt (October 17th, 10:40-12:00pm)

Moderator: Jie-ae Sohn, Senior Consultant, KGGTF, World Bank

  • Richard Damania, Chief Economist, Sustainable Development, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Sung Woo Kim, the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of the RoK / Kim & Chang (Presentation)
  • Ali Abo Sena, Chief Executive Officer, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency; and Assistant to Egypt's Minister of Environment

Leveling up Green Growth – Global Trends (October 17th, 1:15-2:45pm)

A panel of experts from leading organizations discuss global trends and financing priorities for green growth investments. 

Moderator: Richard Damania; Chief Economist, Sustainable Development, World Bank 

  • Kisu Lee, Director, Korea Export-Import Bank (KEXIM) (Presentation)
  • May Abdelhamid, CEO of the Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) (Presentation)
  • Sanghyup Lee, President, National Institute of Green Technology (NIGT) (Presentation)
  • Dalia Wahba, Chief Executive Officer, Hassan Allam Utilities 

Green Growth Tour Around the World (October 17th, 3:00-4:30pm)

Join us as we traverse the landscapes of global green growth activities, witnessing firsthand the evolution of these programs at various stages of development.   

Moderator: Hyoung Gun Wang, Program Manager, KGGTF, World Bank 

  • Silvia Martinez Romero, Lead Energy Specialist, World Bank & Yana Valerievna Dubovitska, Lead Specialist, UkrEnergy (Presentation)
  • Hongye Fan, Transport Specialist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Anuja Shukla, Environmental Specialist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Eirivelthon Santos Lima, Senior Agriculture Economist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Dao Harrison, Senior Housing Specialist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • George Joseph, Senior Economist, World Bank (Presentation) (virtual)


Financing Opportunities from Korea: Unleashing Innovation and Support (October 17th, 4:30-5:20pm)

Learn about new financing opportunities from Korean investment agencies and development banks looking to support green growth programs.

Moderator: Hyoung Gun Wang, Program Manager, KGGTF, World Bank 

  • Hong-Suk Choi, Senior Program Manager, MDB Operations Department, Korea Export-Import Bank (KEXIM)  (Presentation)
  • Kyoungche Lee, Director of Alger office, Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) (Presentation)
  • Daeyong Kim, Director, Center for International Development, Korea Development Institute (KDI CID) KSP program (Presentation)
  • Kyungjin Shin, Director, K-Water  (Presentation(virtual)

Cocktail reception at the Hotel Rooftop (October 17th, 5:30-7:00pm)

Join us as we celebrate innovation, unity, and progress.  Together, we will toast to past successes and set our sights even higher on the journey ahead.

Breakout Period I (October 18th, 9:00-10:45am)

[Session A] Increasing the Impact of Knowledge Sharing Platforms: Key Players & Best Practices

Hear from organizations sharing cutting-edge green growth knowledge and discussing ways to strengthen knowledge platforms to more effectively disseminate green growth knowledge to a global audience. 

Moderator: Elisa Tonda, Chief of Branch, Resources and Markets at UNEP 

  • Ingvild Solvang, Director and Head of Climate Action and Inclusive Development Unit, GGGI for Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) Secretariat  (Presentation)
  • Jongin Sun, Head, Global Knowledge Exchange and Development Center, Korea Development Institute (KDI GKEDC)  (Presentation)
  • Beckhee Cho, General Director, Global Cooperation Center, Korea Land & Housing Corporation (LH) (Presentation)
  • Jooyeon Moon, Researcher, Korea’s National Institute of Green Technology (NIGT) (Presentation)    
  • Patrick Gilabert, Representative, Egypt hub of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (Presentation)

[Session B]  Private Sector Partnerships

Building Prosperous Bridges: Gain insights from private and public sector leaders on innovative partnership strategies to encourage green investments and maximize impact.

Moderator: Jie Ae Sohn, Senior Consultant, World Bank 

  • Seong N. Lee, Vice President, ESG Management, SK ecoplant (virtual)
  • Hanna Kang, Researcher, Korea’s National Institute of Green Technologies (NIGT) (Presentation) 
  • Sung Woo Kim, King & Change / the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth of the RoK (Presentation)
  • Suk-Ho (Steve) Lee, Director General, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) Cairo (Presentation)

Breakout Period II (October 18th, 10:45am-12:00pm)

[Session A] Agriculture and Livelihoods: Supporting Farmers with Innovative Solutions

Agriculture stands as the cornerstone of livelihoods for countless communities across the globe. However, it faces unprecedented challenges, from the wrath of extreme weather conditions to persistent issues like soil degradation and escalating pest pressures. These adversities not only jeopardize our food systems but also cast a shadow over the economic well-being of millions of dedicated farmers. 

Join this session, where you will discover how innovative solutions are equipping farmers to overcome these challenges, fortify their livelihoods, and contribute to the creation of a greener world. 

Moderator: Fatma El Zahraa Yassin Aglan, Agriculture Specialist, World Bank  

  • Eunjung Choi, Research Scientist, Korea’s Rural Development Administration (RDA) (Presentation)
  • Ana Euler, Head of Agriculture Innovation and Technology Transfer at the Brazilian Agriculture Research Corporation (Embrapa) (Presentation) 
  • Phalla Thuch, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Cambodia (Presentation(virtual)
  • Mohamed Nabil, Project Deputy, Head of Agri-Business Development, GIZ (Presentation)  
  • Mohamed Fahim, Advisor to Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation for Climate Change 

[Session B] Water: Adapting to Climate Change through Improved Water Management

Water's critical role in development is undeniable and linked to multiple Sustainable Development Goals.

Together, let's find solutions to water-related challenges, ensuring economic progress, poverty eradication, and sustainable development.

Moderator: Heba Ahmed, Water Resources Management Specialist, World Bank 

  • Emad Mahmoud, Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWRI), Egypt (Presentation)
  • Farag Samhan, Technical Advisor, Ministry of Housing Utilities and Urban Communities (MHUUC), Egypt (Presentation)
  • Pascaline N’dyngu , Senior Water Resources Specialist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Ighyun Cho, Team Manager, Korea Environment Corporation (KECO) (Presentation)
  • Gi Hye Shin, Senior Manager, K-Water Academy (Presentation(virtual)
  • George Joseph, Senior Economist, World Bank (virtual)
  • Taiwhan Kim, Senior Manager, K-Water (Presentation(virtual)

[Session C] Transportation: Building Capacity at Home 

This session will explore new approaches to building the capacity of national transportation departments with speed and scale. 

Moderators: Susan Lim, Senior Transport Specialist & Salma Abdel Fattah, Senior Transport Specialist, World Bank 

  • Mona Kotb, Vice-Chairman, Transport Planning Authority, Egypt Ministry of Transport  
  • Seung Joe Yoon, President, Korea National University of Transportation (KNUT) (Presentation)
  • Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim Ramadan, Associate Professor, Banha University (Presentation)
  • Ahmed E. Hassan, Associate Professor, Cairo University (Presentation)
  • Seungyup Jang, Professor, KNUT

Breakout Period III (October 18th, 1:30-2:45pm)

[Session A]: Transport: Creating Safe and Resilient Railway Systems

Transportation experts will discuss railway safety, signaling and how to build and maintain effective and resilient operations.  Innovations and best-practices from around the world will be shared and discussed.    

Moderator: Arturo Ardila Gomez, Lead Transport Economist, & Salma Abdel Fattah, Transport Specialist, World Bank (Egypt CMU) 

  • Hong-Kwon Kim, Director, Overseas Railway Project Team of Korea National Railway (Presentation)
  • Magdy Abd El Monsef, Vice Chairman of Projects Sector, Egypt National Railway (ENR) 
  • Ashraf Khalil, Director of Safety, Egypt National Railway (ENR) 


Site Visit  

The transport team will visit the LRT station Adly Mansour: Explore Egypt's first Light Rail Train and the Adly Mansour Interchange Station, connecting the New Administrative Capital with other cities. When completed, the LRT will cover 103.3 kilometers and serve 1 million commuters daily through 19 stations, including the massive 1.1 million square meter central Adly Mansour station. 

Site Visit (October 18th, 1:30-5:00pm)

Nilometer: A Nilometer is a historical structure designed to measure the Nile River's water clarity and level, particularly during the annual flood season, which was crucial to the Egyptian civilization, impacting agriculture, infrastructure and even the levels of tax to be paid. Take a trip to the island of Rhoda in central Cairo, where one of the best examples of the ‘vertical column’ style of Nilometer can still be seen, housed in an elaborate and ornate stone structure, dating back to AD 861. Witness the fascinating process of how this ancient instrument was utilized to gauge the Nile's water levels, which held immense significance in anticipating potential famines or floods.  


Prince Mohamed Ali Palace: Visit this historic museum, showcasing a pivotal period in Egypt's modern history. The architecture beautifully combines Islamic, Persian, Mamluk, Syrian, Moroccan, Andalusian, and Ottoman influences. 

Breakout Period I (October 19th, 9:00am-10:45am)

[Session A]: Urban, Resilience & Land: Empowering Vibrant and Sustainable Cities  

Cities are the engines of growth, but urbanization comes with challenges. Unveil case studies and innovative financing and policy solutions from Korea that ensure thriving cities and resilient landscapes. 

 Moderator: John Hosung Lee, Urban Specialist, World Bank 

  • Abdelkhalek A. Ibrahim, Senior Minister Assistant, Ministry of Housing, Utilities & Urban Communities, Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Dao Harrison, Senior. Housing Specialist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Beckhee Cho, General Director, Global Cooperation Center, Korea Land & Housing Corporation (LH) (Presentation)  
  • Donghoon Shin, Specialist, Seoul Urban Solutions Agency (SUSA) (Presentation)
  • Stamatis Kotouzas, Sr. Land Administration Specialist, World Bank

[Session B]: Data and Digital for Climate Action

Digital technologies are one of the largest producers of carbon emissions.  Yet when digital technologies are applied to different sectors (such as agriculture, energy, transport, or water), they provide solutions to reducing carbon emissions and fight climate change.  Join this discussion to see how digital technologies are supporting countries to achieve their economic and sustainable development goals. 

Moderator: Zaki Khoury, Senior Digital Development Specialist, World Bank  

  • Affouda Leon Biaou, Program Lead, Infrastructure, World Bank Cairo Office
  • H.E. Eng. Hoda Shakra, Advisor to Minister and Manager of Industry and External Relations, Ministry of Communications and IT (MCIT)
  • Yoon Seok Ko, Executive Principal, Korea’s National Information Society Agency (NIA) (Presentation)
  • Zaki Khoury, Senior Digital Development Specialist, World Bank (Presentation)

[Session C]: Agriculture and Smart Tech Solutions 

The agriculture sector is deploying new and green technologies in new ways to increase productivity, monitor crops, and support farmers in developing resilient farms. Hear from teams on the ground as they discuss their programs, impacts, and how they plan to scale up.  

Moderator: Fatma El Zahraa Yassin Aglan, Agriculture Specialist, World Bank  

  • Jina Hur, Research Scientist, Korea’s Rural Development Administration (RDA) (Presentation(virtual)
  • Daehoon Oh, Senior Manager, Korea’s National Information Society Agency (NIA) (Presentation)
  • Tomas Ricardo Rosada Villamar, Senior Agriculture Economist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Eirivelthon Santos Lima, Senior Agriculture Economist, World Bank
  • Faten Adada, Agricultural and Rural Development Expert, FAO (Presentation)

Breakout Period II (October 19th, 10:45am-12:00pm)

[Session A] Environment, Natural Resources & Blue Economy: Sustaining Our Planet's Vitality  

Nature's abundance forms the foundation for growth, prosperity, and human well-being. Delve into innovative green growth strategies that heal our ecosystems and empower sustainable progress. 

Moderator: Maysra Mahmoud Ali Shamseldin, Environmental Specialist, World Bank 

  • Kwangho Baek, Manager, Korea Environment Corporation (KECO) (Presentation)
  • Ali Abu Sena- CEO of Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA), Egypt 
  • Ajit Pattniak, Former Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF), Odisha, Government of Odisha; & Former Project Director, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Odisha (Presentation)
  • Amb. Hisham Badr- Assistant Minister for Strategic Partnerships, excellence, and Initiatives, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, The National Coordinator for the National Initiative for Smart Green Projects, and The General Supervisor of Egypt Government Excellence Award (Presentation)

[Session B] Energy: Empowering Progress with Renewable Energy

Energy fuels the engines of prosperity, jobs, and inclusive growth. Explore the remarkable potential of renewable energy to combat climate change, build resilience, and lower energy costs. Join us on this inspiring journey of technology, financing, and policies for a sustainable future. 

Moderator: Yousra Mohamed Ossama Mostafa Assaker, Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank 

  • Koji Nishida, Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Inchul Hwang, Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Kijun Park, Head of Power Distribution Laboratory, Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) (Presentation)
  • Seong-hee Yang, Senior Manager, International Cooperation Team, Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) (Presentation)
  • Mohamed El-Khayat; Chairperson , National Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), Egypt (Presentation)


[Session C] Transport: Pioneering Sustainable Mobility   

Transportation with a small climate footprint? It's possible! Explore visionary investments, including high-quality public transport and cleaner technologies, harmonizing development progress with climate targets. 

Moderator: Arturo Ardila Gomez, Lead Transport Economist, World Bank

  • Khaliun Bat-Orig, Transport Analyst, World Bank (Presentation)
  • Hong Kwon Kim, Director, Korea National Railway (KR) (Presentation)
  • Eunhee Roh, Team Leader, Seoul Urban Solutions Agency (SUSA) (Presentation)
  • Sayed Metwally, CEO, Land Transport Regulatory Authority, Egypt Ministry of Transport (Presentation)
  • Samuel Seth Passah, Director responsible for Local Governance, Decentralization and Rural Development, Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization and  Rural Development, Accra, Ghana (Presentation(virtual)

Site Visits (October 19th, 2:00-5:00pm)


Old Cairo District: Once a landfill, Old Cairo has transformed into a significant part of the city, featuring archaeological sites such as the Synagogue of Ben E'zra, multiple ancient churches, the Mosque of ‘Amr ibn al-‘As, the oldest surviving mosque in Egypt and Africa, and excavated remains of the old city. This area predates the founding of Cairo in 969 AD and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 


Suspended Church: Visit the unique Hanging Church, constructed atop the Roman Fortress with a wooden roof designed like Noah's ark. It served as the residence of the Coptic Patriarch from the 7th to the 13th Century, showcasing remarkable architecture and religious history. 


San Serio Church: Explore the Church of Saint Sergius and Bacchus (Abu Serga), built on an ancient Roman fort. Its historical dating is debated, but it holds special significance as part of the Holy Family's journey through Egypt. 


Amr Ibn Ass Mosque: Discover the oldest surviving mosque in Egypt and Africa, once the fourth largest mosque in the Islamic world. It remains an active mosque with a devout congregation. 

National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (October 19th, 5:00-7:00pm)

National Museum of Egyptian Civilization: Visit the first museum in the Arab world focusing on the earliest civilization in history - the ancient Egyptian civilization. The only museum in Egypt that displays the rich diversity of Egyptian civilization from prehistoric times to the present. The Museum’s collection includes royal mummies and over 50,000 objects and artefacts organized chronologically and thematically.  

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